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ZVR: 1906466059
Große Neugasse 44/2
1040 Wien

We are thrilled to announce the list of participants in the upcoming first edition of Haus, taking place from September 21—27 in Simmering, Vienna.
Haus is pleased to announce the open call for its first edition which will be taking place in Vienna from September 21-27, 2020.
The open call is directed towards artists, curators, researchers, commercial galleries, and institutions, as well as non-profit, artist-run or self-organized initiatives.
Inspired by the spatial arrangement of an art fair that brings together different exhibitors under one roof, Haus is conceived as a hybrid between collaborative group exhibition and non-commercial showcase. By combining artistic, curatorial and discursive interventions, the project aims to create an experimental platform where a variety of exhibition strategies, structures and formats meet. The platform is envisioned as a tool to explore new ideas for showcasing artworks as well as accompanying formats.
With these goals in mind, Haus will launch its first edition in September 2020 as a pilot project where the platform itself becomes a way of forging new alliances, friendships and strategies of collaboration.
ZVR: 1906466059
Große Neugasse 44/2
1040 Wien